AoC: Border Kingdom Cryer - The Culture of Armor

by on Oct 17, 2008

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Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures (AoC) developer team is working hard on the next update to the game. That update will possibly push out the new Culture Armors that are being developed and this week Funcom System Designer, Dave Williams answered a few questions about the upcoming Culture Armor for the community that has been generating a lot of good discussion. Dave Williams is not the only one fielding questions this week as Funcom's Svein Erik "Sharum" Jenset addressed some concerns about the future of mounts in AoC. With all the news circulating around AoC it can be a difficult job finding all the good information as the forums become more saturated with endless rants and dramatic post. Let the Border Kingdom Cryer save you the trauma of reading through the drama. Join us as we examine some of the top pieces of discussion over the past week. Dave Williams answers questions on Culture Armor, Svein Erik "Sharum" Jenset talks about the future of mounts, Wexx returns with the results of his 3rd Community Survey, and in the Weekly Funny we learn about scary stupid, all this and more in this week's Border Kingdom Cryer.

At launch Funcom allowed preorders to acquire siege mounts as a reward for preordering the game, but a while back while AoC was still in beta they stated that there would eventually be other siege mounts made available for players in the game post launch. However, the preorder mounts would have a distinctive look that would differ from the live versions. Some people don't quite remember it like that and are a bit upset about Funcom's Svein Erik "Sharum" Jenset statement that siege mounts may still be made available in the future.

You can view the new Cryer here. Discuss this week's hot topics on our forum.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016