AoC Building a Guild City Dev Journal

by on May 12, 2008

<strong>First guild banks and now this!</strong>

First guild banks and now this!

Have you ever thought you'd be able to own your own city? AoC lets you and your guildmates carve out a piece of the Hyborian dream for yourselves and do just that.

A player city provides a central gathering point, meeting hall, role-playing center, and socializing hub for your guild. Instead of trying to herd people across the world into the same place at the same time, simply tell everyone to get back to the city, and if someone insists on telling Chuck Norris jokes in the middle of tense role-play sessions, boot them out of the guild and leave them to the wolves.

Read all about guild cities in Age of Conan.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016