AoC Game Director: Start Out at Level 50!

by on Apr 30, 2009

<p>No one likes the low level grind once you've worked your way through the content a time or two already and Funcom is doing something about it! As part of Age of Conan <a target="_blank" href="">Game

No one likes the low level grind once you've worked your way through the content a time or two already and Funcom is doing something about it! As part of Age of Conan Game Director's letter to the community, Craig 'Silirrion' Morrison has announced that once you've leveled one character up to level 50, AoC will give you the option of creating another character STARTING at level 50.

To this end there are a number of important changes that will come in terms of character options with the next update.

Firstly we will be making sure that people have the option to re-set their feats and experiment with new builds. We will allow some form of additional feat re-setting, either in the form of a reset of the retraining price, or a free reset, or maybe a combination of both. We haven’t decided on the exact details yet, but rest assured you will be given the chance to experiment with the new feat trees.

Next up and I think most interestingly for most of you, there will be a new option for players who already have a character above level fifty. All players with characters above level fifty will now have a one time option to create a new character that starts life at level fifty. This character can be of any class you want to make so you can jump straight into a different class after the update without having to go through the early leveling stages. This will be available to all players from here on in after they reach the milestone of leveling a character to level fifty.

You will need an empty character slot to avail of the new character option.

Lastly, we will be offering something else in relation to these changes during the games anniversary in May, but I’m not allowed to reveal that just yet. So keep your eyes peeled for more information as we get closer to the anniversary.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016