AoC Patch Notes 07/17/2008

by on Jul 17, 2008

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Today yields another big patch for Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures. This is a pretty big list of changes and has several fixes and tweaks for gameplay.


Massive PvP: Mercenary players in a team with a guild member should no longer be hostile-flagged during battle. You will no longer be able to attack guild members on PvP servers. The Massive PVP gui will show up on a separate tab than Minigame PvP. If your pet does the most damage to a target in a minigame, you will now get credited for the kill instead of the pet. Ground targeting AOEs should now only be allowed if the player has line of sight to the target. The siege camps will now give a message when they are clicked on and the city is not vulnerable. You should no longer be able to damage your raid members on Culture PvP servers.
You can read the entire list of patch notes here.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016