Are APB and Crimecraft the MMO Games of the Future?

by on Apr 08, 2009

It might be a guilty pleasure but almost everyone enjoys crime themed games such as Grand Theft Auto or Saints Row. Taking this to the next level are the MMO's APB and Crimecraft which are still...

It might be a guilty pleasure but almost everyone enjoys crime themed games such as Grand Theft Auto or Saints Row. Taking this to the next level are the MMO's APB and Crimecraft which are still in early development but have great potential. What could these two games bring to the table besides gunfire and thugs? Take a look inside to find out.

A major benefit a crime themed MMO game has is it makes us want to “play.” What do I mean? Without delving into the complex theories found in textbooks, play is described as a range of activities individuals participate in for various reasons. In our case this would be to simulate the act of becoming either a hunter or the hunted for entertainment purposes. This might sound a little strange to think about in such terms, but it fits many games children play such as “Hide and Seek.” A blatantly obvious parallel would be that of “Cops and Robbers” where people on opposing sides attempt to catch or elude the other. CrimeCraft and APB directly appeal to these ideals and would fit many of our personalities like a warm glove.

Find out more in Are APB and Crimecraft the MMO Games of the Future?

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016