Article from "Consolations - The Enlightment"

by on May 02, 2005

A very interesting article came out this weekend from <a target="_Blank" href=""></a> regarding the state of the WoW community forums at Blizzard.

A very interesting article came out this weekend from regarding the state of the WoW community forums at Blizzard. Check it out.

Consolations - The Enlightment
By Nims
During the seventeenth century a new wave of thinking began to change the course of European politics and in time, the World. This period was called the Enlightment and its roots were founded in the works of Francis Bacon and René Descartes. Despite the hesitancy and objections of Descartes, the Enlightment began to seep out of academia and into the political, theological, and moral philosophies of his time and eventually shaped the course of history by providing much of the future framework for the revolutions which swept Europe and America as well.

The complete article can be found here.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016