Ask the Devs: Week in Review (April 20, 2008)

by on Apr 20, 2008

With the launch of Ten Ton &nbsp;Hammer's <a href="" target="_blank">Ask the Devs</a> feature, the forums

With the launch of Ten Ton  Hammer's href=""
target="_blank">Ask the Devs feature, the forums
have been overflowing with questions that Age of Conan fans want
answered. Jason "Athelan" Stone has stepped up as Funcom representative
to answer those very questions. For those of you who like just the meat
and potatoes, we have compiled a list of this week's questions and

Another big "Thank You" to Athelan for coming out and answering seven
more questions for us this week.

target="_blank">Arda asks style="font-weight: bold;">: "Will there be stealing in the

style="font-weight: bold;">Athelan: "There is
no pickpocketing, there is some stealing as part of some quests but
that is not what you are referring to."

target="_blank">Tezca asks: "Does AoC use all 4
cores of a Quad core?"

style="font-weight: bold;">Athelan: "Conan does
take advantage of multi core CPU's however, the CPU is not
the big bottle neck and graphics card, ram, and hard disk even are
probably more important for performance."

target="_blank">LordOfShadows asks: "We've all
heard Age of Conan of being a massive online world... and
about how detailed it is. My question is how "open" is this massive
world? Is it more linear (but not nessarily instanced) like Guild Wars?
Where the zones are long paths all connected together? Or is it like
Everquest where there are large open zones to explore? style="font-weight: bold;">"

style="font-weight: bold;">Athelan: "Somewhere
in between. A lot of the outdoor areas are laid out more like
an Everquest expansive play area but then have smaller areas of
game-play where you find more detailed content."

target="_blank">Groguzzler asks: "I noticed from a
handful of videos that there seemed to be multiple
mount speeds. Can you, for example, coax your horse to walk, trot, or
gallop? Will prolonged galloping affect your mount? style="font-weight: bold;">"

style="font-weight: bold;">Athelan: "You can
walk, trot, and gallop on a horse yes. Galloping requires
holding down the shift key and prevents the use of mounted combat and
drains the horses stamina to where it cannot gallop anymore, it is
essentially mounted sprinting."

target="_blank">Shaleist asks style="font-weight: bold;">: "I recently just saw the
Instructional video on the UI for AOC and
something unexpected was presented. It appears that conquerers have
mana bars. I'll get right to the question, which other non-obvious
classes have mana bars? I assume the DT does have it now, but how about
the Assassin and the Ranger?"

style="font-weight: bold;">Athelan: "Hybrid
classes. Bear Shaman, Dark Templar, Herald of Xotli, Conqueror.
Conqueror does not really use his mana actively in combat."

target="_blank">Entaro asks: "Will European credit
cards be allowed for billing for US accounts/game time? style="font-weight: bold;">"

style="font-weight: bold;">Athelan: "I don't
think the card address is used for verification. I believe it
is just a question of having the right copy of the box with the right
account key."

target="_blank">Idred asks: "Can you tell me how
many characters an account can hold?"

style="font-weight: bold;">Athelan: "Eight per
server if I am recalling correctly."

Do you have a question
about Age of Conan that you'd like answered by Funcom? Head on over to
the Ask
the Devs
forum and ask away! Be sure to read the href="">guidelines.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016