Awen's Valentine's Gift Giving Guide

by on Feb 14, 2006

Forget the chocolates they make you fat. Forget the Flowers they wilt all too soon.  If you're pounding your head on your desk trying to find something for that special someone, look no further. Awen has the hook up for you.  I'm taking care

Forget the chocolates they make you fat. Forget the Flowers they wilt
all too soon.  If you're pounding your head on your desk trying to
find something for that special someone, look no further. Awen has the
hook up for you.  I'm taking care of you this year with some great
ideas to give that special gaming someone for this Holiest *snort* of

Gold or Platinum in any form is always a good gift. Pony up with
some cold hard cash.
Jewelry - Stat Jewelry is always needed. Give me a +agi ring any
day and I'd be more than willing to be your Valentine Who needs Lingerie when you can give a rare breastplate or
leggings?  They always say use protection so get out there and
protect your loved ones with Armor! Spend some time with your special someone! Help them complete
that quest that has been dodging them for the last month.  Just
remember to sacrifice yourself when it looks like they might take a
dirt nap.
Love Potion #9? You don't need it here my friends. A stack of
health potions is just as good and they come in that sexy color red.
Who wouldn't love you for that gift?

It doesn't have to be hard this time of year to find something good to
gift. If you don't have a Valentine of your own, steal someone
else's.  It was perfectly acceptable in the middle ages to steal
your brides / grooms.   Drag them by the hair to the local
Priest / Friar and get yourself hitched.  Trust me, they'll
appreciate it.

If you've lost that loving feeling, be sure to browse the network. We
have what you're looking for to put you in the moooOooood.

Until next time - Awen Out!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016