Behind the Scenes with Funcom

by on Nov 11, 2009

<p>Ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes with an MMORPG developer? Now is your chance to find out. This week MMORPG got the chance to go behind the scenes with <em>Age of Conan: Hyborian...</em></p>

Ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes with an MMORPG developer? Now is your chance to find out. This week MMORPG got the chance to go behind the scenes with Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures developer Funcom and see just what those developers are scheming about out of the public view and what it is they do to keep our MMOG worlds consistent and interesting.

When we talk about content I think the biggest thing that comes to players mind is quests. Designing quests in Age of Conan is a very complicated and involving process from initial concept to a finished quest. The quest designers have to struggle with things like keeping quests interesting, fresh, and within the lore. It's very easy to fall into the whole 'kill, collect, talk' type of quests that everyone knows and in today's quests. So the designers are always seeking the middle ground by making something new and exciting, but still within reason to implement and on schedule with the next patch, build, or update.

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016