by on Jan 19, 2023


There are a lot of multiplayer online role-playing games available, and each one caters to a different type of player. These are the current top seven, but we are not listing them in any particular order. There is something special about each of these that makes it appealing to a different kind of player. The best MMORPGs are as follows:

The Elder Scrolls Online

Is the best option if you want to play with other people one of the most well-known story-driven RPG series. Developers ZeniMax has opened up increasingly more nooks and crannies of Tamriel for players to explore throughout the game's development. There is truly something for everyone in this game, with everything one would expect from an Elder Scrolls title, including the Khajiit race and an extremely immersive storyline to discover alongside guilds like The Dark Brotherhood.

It's amazing to see the likes of Morrowind and other locations from the series brought into a more modern graphic style than how they appeared in their netent games, despite the fact that the graphics style may have aged the game slightly.

ESO's combat, in contrast to that of FFXIV and World of Warcraft, utilizes systems that give you a little bit more player agency and control over your actions. You can aim and freely move around the battlefield, just like in the mainline games. If you hold down the attack button for a longer period of time, you can launch a powerful attack or time your block to avoid an enemy attack.

With fantastic opportunities for player housing and the ability to customize the game's classes (want a warrior who can also use spells? That is doable!) You can truly create your own character. PvP is also used in a different way in The Elder Scrolls Online than in many other MMORPGs. Even though it is completely optional, it is directly connected to the main storyline of Alliance Wars, in which three factions fight big battles for control in the famous Cyrodiil. In addition, a brand-new expansion for the MMORPG, High Isles, was released in 2022, offering new and returning players a wealth of content.


The Final Fantasy series is one of the most successful video games. There are a number of titles with a long history of being some of the most important titles of their time. So, how does Square's attempt at an MMORPG fare? Since Final Fantasy 14 was able to recreate the iconic Final Fantasy world while also bringing an intense and moving story, it was done pretty well.

The title manages to feel exactly like the show it is based on. You can always count on having something new to discover because it receives new content fairly frequently. Even if you're not usually interested in MMOs and just want to play a simple story game, the game's story is worth playing through. Considering the scope of the game, the graphics in Final Fantasy are quite impressive. Even in the best MMORPGs, the dungeons frequently provide some of the most entertaining gameplay. However, those who actively despise the fantasy genre probably won't be interested.

Currently, streamers are actively playing FFXIV, which is attracting a lot of attention. Influential streamers like Asmongold, Summit1g, AnnieFuchsia, and EsfandTV have all recently begun playing the game, making it a strong contender for the best MMORPG and appealing to new and aspiring players alike.

World of Warcraft

It's hard to talk about massively multiplayer online role-playing games without mentioning World of Warcraft. The genre was elevated to new heights by Warcraft. Beyond the gaming industry, it became a juggernaut of popular culture. However, it has not kept up with some of the more recent versions, such as Black Desert and Final Fantasy. This was especially true in 2021 because Activision/Blizzard was going through a lot of crises and reorganization at the time.

Even though the game is older than a lot of the competition, there are still many good reasons to play it. World of Warcraft has undergone significant change and continues to receive frequent and substantial updates. Even though the graphics aren't as up-to-date, the gameplay has improved significantly over time. Even after World of Warcraft has been around for more than a decade, Blizzard continues to innovate. With World of Warcraft betting available on it, the game's dungeons have even developed into an impressive esport.

Even if the deal is not finalized, the game is already undergoing significant changes as a result of Microsoft's recent acquisition of Activision in January 2022. One of the most significant changes is that players will be able to play together even if they are on opposing factions, subject to some minor restrictions, such as sharing a guild. This change will finally remove the barrier that prevents friends from playing together or forces them to play with a faction they dislike.

The classic version of the game, both in its original form (where, to be honest, the servers are somewhat dead), and in a slightly different version called "season of mastery," is another thing that World of Warcraft brings to the table. You can, of course, also join the WoW Classic: Wrath of the Lich King, which many players consider to be the best expansion because Classic is even more enjoyable now that the heroic dungeons in WoW and WotLK are getting harder.

Guild Wars 2

Another free MMORPG that beginners can use to get started. It has a fascinating storyline that changes depending on your choices. That is not present in any other games of its kind. The game, like the majority of other MMORPGs, has a lot of general features like crafting, character customization, and a lot of PvP and PvP.

It lets players explore a vast persistent world alone or with friends in the fantasy world of Tyria. Players will also encounter a number of instanced environments as part of the story of Guild Wars 2. The dynamic action-based mechanic of Guild Wars 2 makes leveling up much more enjoyable than the grind of World of Warcraft. This game is for you if you're sick of leveling up in the same old way in other MMORPGs.

Star Wars: The Old Republic

Free-to-play MMO that will appeal to fans of Bioware's Mass Effect and Dragon Age series. With companions that can be romantic with you and fully-voiced NPCs (including your own character!) Some of the best MMORPGs on this list lack the RPG features that SWTOR offers.

With interactive cutscenes and even decision-making, you can explore the Galaxy in this immersive space-set story.

There is a lot of content to get through before you even need to think about signing up for their subscription model, and it can be fully played up to level 60 for free. You can also experience the first two expansions for free. There are, of course, some restrictions, but there is still a lot to do.

Each of the game's eight classes has its own unique plot, and it wouldn't be a Star Wars game if it didn't offer the option to choose between the Light Side and the Dark Side, with visual changes as you move closer to either side.

Black Desert Online

Has been one of the most visually impressive MMORPGs available ever since its 2020 graphics remaster. The game recreates the original concepts for a vast world found in games like World of Warcraft in the highest quality currently available. One of the most ambitious and intricate MMORPGs in 2023 is Black Desert Online.

Resources, trade, diplomacy, and combat are all supported by systems in the game. In essence, it is about as difficult as it gets. The game requires players to concentrate heavily on their gameplay. You can get loot by grinding your way through, but if you use the right tactics, you can get the most out of your time.


ArcheAge is a medieval fantasy game that transports you to a medieval fantasy world and lets you do just about anything. You can become an expert in economics and take on the challenges of farming and trade, or you can become a powerful warrior with your own enormous sword and a large group of friends by your side. You can rob merchants and take their goods as a pirate.


Additionally, ArcheAge relies heavily on travel and mounts. You can fly and swim as well as ride wild animals like lions and deer across its enormous world. You can travel the oceans in anything from rowboats to warships, and you can also travel in the air in things like airships and gliders. Archeage's polish and longevity demonstrate Trion's dedication and the resources they have at their disposal.

Last Updated: Jan 19, 2023