BioWare Devs Discuss the Launch and Future Plans for Star Wars: The Old Republic

by on Dec 20, 2011

<p><em>Star Wars: The Old Republic</em> devs chat about story development and the game’s continued expansion.

Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) is officially in the hands of the players today following its official launch. But with the game now up and running, BioWare has no intentions of slowing down. Speaking with Gamasutra, several members of the BioWare team chimed in on what they’ve created and where SWTOR is headed in the future.

The sheer size of SWTOR at launch dwarfs some other past MMORPG launches and Lead Writer Daniel Erickson gives a good indication of just how huge the project really is in terms of just story alone.

"To give you an idea of how big these stories are, Chapter I of the bounty hunter is longer than the entire old Knights of the Old Republic," says Erickson. "And then there's Chapters II and III. If, after that, you go and re-roll on, say, the Republic side, you won't see a single piece of repeated content, not one line of voiceover, nothing."

The current three chapters will be expanded in the future and one way that BioWare plans to keep providing quality content to SWTOR is by not radically downsizing its team as many other developers often do following the launch of an MMORPG according to Creative Director James Ohlen.

"Unlike a lot of other game companies that, once they launch a game, downsize their teams radically, our plan is to keep the team together and continue to focus on building content."

For now, the team remains focused on creating content to expand the SWTOR universe.

Source: Gamasutra Interview

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016