BioWare Speaks Out for PC Gaming

by on Jan 19, 2009

CVG recently talked with BioWare CEO Ray Muzyka regarding the long time rumor that PC gaming is losing it's appeal. What did this industry insider have to say?

"I think there are more people playing PC games and more dollars being spent on the PC space than ever before, but it's taking a different form," Ray Muzyka said in a recent interview.

"It's not a bad thing if people want to play more types of games than they did 20 years ago, it's natural and normal as the audience and technology evolves... As creators we have to adapt to that and continue to make sure that we're satisfying the audience, but it doesn't mean we have to compromise."

As BioWare smashes into the MMORPG genre with the currently in development "Star Wars: The Old Republic", they have their noses to the grindstone and their fingers on the pulse of the PC gaming community. Is Muzyka's opinion right? Only time will tell!

Please visit CVG for the full interview!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016