Black Prophecy "Developer's Diary" Discusses Art Direction and the Game Environment

by on Aug 20, 2009

<p>Reakktor Media developers recently posted their first "Developer's Diary" for their upcoming sci-fi MMO, Black Prophecy. The diary discusses the art direction for the game and how the...</p>

Reakktor Media developers recently posted their first "Developer's Diary" for their upcoming sci-fi MMO, Black Prophecy. The diary discusses the art direction for the game and how the environments are being designed to create dynamic effects such as planets rotating and other environmental effects.

To emphasize the impression of different distances within one system to the player, all planets, moons and stars have been created in various sizes. Particularly impressive are the orbital views that fill three full computer screens. It was also very important to us to create living worlds. Planets are rotating, cloud movements show up, the surfaces of the oceans are reflecting the incoming light, thunderbolts streak over the continents, lava bubbles out of volcanoes, mountain massifs pass by and cities change from the day into the night cycle.

You can read the full diary here. Discuss this and more on our forums.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016