Black Prophecy Developer's Diary Explains Genide Faction Art Design

by on Nov 12, 2009

<p><em>Black Prophecy</em> art Director Nick Ebenhoch has posted the fifth developer's detailing the art direction and design behind the game's Genide faction. The Genide are a technologically advanced race...</p>

Black Prophecy art Director Nick Ebenhoch has posted the fifth developer's detailing the art direction and design behind the game's Genide faction. The Genide are a technologically advanced race and developing a look for them that remained human, but was more advanced proved to be a challenge for the design team.

The cockpit of the Genide space fighter was a little challenge in every sense, as it was supposed to still look like a Human cockpit but appear much more technologically advanced. The Genides utilize holographic displays for information display and entry. Luminous conductor paths run over the instrument frames on the control panel. The cockpit looks much rounder overall.

Read the full diary here. Discuss this and more on our forums.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016