Blackguard's Fan Faire Recap

by on May 03, 2006

Blackguard reminisces about this years Fan Faire in a blog-like article at the EQ2 Players site.

Blackguard reminisces about this years Fan Faire in a blog-like article at the EQ2 Players site.

Take a walk with BG through his Fan Faire 06 experience and get the feeling of friendship like I did.

Awww. /hugz

If you didn't make it out to the latest SOE Fan Faire
in Atlanta, I feel sorry for you. Why? Because it's the most fun I've
had in a long time. Fan Faires are a unique entity in the gaming world.
I've been to other gaming events, conventions, gatherings, etc. But
none of them are quite the same as a Fan Faire.

If you want to see what others had to say about the weekend in Atlanta, Blackguard awesomely put links to other community sites FF writeups for you to check out!

Check out the entire write up here.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016