Blizzard Allowing PvE to PvP Server Transfers

by on Sep 12, 2008

<strong>Never say never.</strong>

Never say never.

In World of Warcraft PvE and PvP servers have always been separate, not allowed to mingle (except to go from PvP to PvE but not vice-versa). Coming back off of the stance that PvE and PvP shall forever remain segregated, Blizzard has posted on the main World of Warcraft site that these transfers are now allowed. Right now. Yes, you can go to the account management and transfer from PvE to PvP, and I know, because I just did it. From the website:

Providing a smooth and enjoyable experience for all players is always a priority for us, and we are continually re-evaluating our policies and programs to do so. As the state of the game has matured substantially since the inception of Paid Character Transfers, we will now be allowing PvE-to-PvP transfers on a full-time basis to provide players with more mobility and freedom to easily play with their friends.

Keep in mind that all of the other standard cooldowns and restrictions will continue to apply; we're just opening the option to transfer characters on Normal realms to Player-vs.-Player realms.

Maybe Blizzard wanted a little boost to their 3rd quarter income, maybe they are looking for some hooks to keep people out of Warhammer Online, or maybe they just had a change in heart. What does this do for you; does it anger you hard core PvPers that people like me can bring our PvE carebears into your walled garden, and will this wreck PvP servers? Or is this just a ploy by Blizzard to keep the numbers up? Let's discuss in our forums.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016