Blizzard announces Partial Combat fix

by on Aug 21, 2004

This just in from the Blizzard WoW beta forums from EnoYls of Blizzard.<br /> <br /> <table border=1><td>1. ** IMPORTANT ** Partial Combat Fix | 8/21/2004 4:02:09 AM GMTDT <br />

This just in from the Blizzard WoW beta forums from EnoYls of Blizzard.

1. ** IMPORTANT ** Partial Combat Fix | 8/21/2004 4:02:09 AM GMTDT

While we have been looking into the various combat related complaints, we did find a couple issues that we can correct quickly.

- Previous to this patch weapon and defensive skill-ups were going up much too slowly. Luckily, weapon/defense skills really didn't do much in combat. We have now corrected that problem, but it means that most everyone is under-skilled with their weapons and defense.

For this weekend only, we are having all characters skill-up their weapons and defense at a hyper rate. Make sure you log all your characters in and participate in combat until you max your combat skills. After the weekend, we will be returning your skill-up rate to normal.


The complete forum thread can be found here.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016