Blizzard reviews honor system

by on Apr 21, 2005

Blizzard is reviewing the honor system, players can expect feedback this week! <table border=1><td>Honor System Concerns <BR>

Blizzard is reviewing the honor system, players can expect feedback this week!

Honor System Concerns

We realize that the Honor system has been a very hot topic as of late, and that many of you are concerned with the effect it will have on your overall game play experience. As a result, the Community Team has requested a meeting with our lead designer Kalgan, who is responsible for heading up the Honor system. Below are a few of the questions we plan to ask. Answers to these questions should be provided before the week's end.

It should also be noted that we appreciate all the constructive feedback we've received thus far concerning the Honor system. Please continue to provide us with your feedback!

Epic Battles = Epic Lag?

Since the Honor System encourages players to take part in player vs. player combat, large scale battles are forming in areas such as Hillsbrad and the Barrens. This has been causing extreme latency, which is frustrating for both those participating and those that aren't. Do you see this as a problem, and are there plans in motion to address this issue?

How Do I Quest at a Grave Yard?

The new Honor system seems engaging, but many times I would prefer to simply quest. How am I supposed to enjoy the other aspects of the game and avoid player vs. player combat when the majority of the population is hunting other players in an attempt to gain honor?

Orcs vs. Human?

Since the Horde vs. Alliance ratio on certain realms is not perfectly balanced, don't you think that the faction with larger numbers will be at a significant advantage?

Why Won't You Punish Us?

You've stated on many occasions that you will analyze the Honor system and only add a system of dishonor if player actions necessitate such. While this is a noble cause, it seems as if having no system of checks and balances in place that punishes players for "unfair" tactics will only result in frequent and unwanted trips to the local graveyard. Now that you've seen the system working on the test realm, have your thoughts on this changed?

Equal Opportunity Classes?

Does each class have an equal opportunity to advance in the Honor system? It seems that the Mage has a greater advantage over the Warrior due to their area effect spells and their ability to dish out a ton of damage in a short space of time.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016