Blizzard Teaser - Jumping to Conclusions

by on Jun 26, 2008

<strong>It's been confirmed!.... where?</strong>

It's been confirmed!.... where?

Another day, another update. We're now up to four runes and the ice is definately melting in the center. We have what appears to be a pair of small glowy eyes, but that's about it. Some sites are racing to call Rob Pardo's hint of an annoucement a confirmation of Diablo 3. I see Mr. Pardo confirming there will be an annoucement, but that's about it.

"So you want me to announce the game before our announcement?" he said. "No offense, but I think there's like 300 people here, and I'll be ripped apart by 8000 people there [at the Invitational] if I pre-announce it - but it's going to be really exciting. I think everybody here will be really excited about the announcement."

At least I'm not the only one who hasn't jumped the gun to Diablo 3.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016