BlizzCon 2008: WoW Classes Panel

by on Oct 15, 2008

<strong>Class changes inc!</strong>

Class changes inc!

There wouldn't be World of Warcraft if it wasn't for its nine (soon to be ten) classes. At BlizzCon '08 in sunny Anaheim, California Blizzard's Tom Chilton and Greg Street got together with the fans and told them what's coming for their favorite classes. We sat in on the panel and have brought back all of the juicy tidbits of knowledge. So if you play World of Warcraft then there is no reason for you not to read this. Find out whats happening to your class and everyone elses in the near future and why straight from Blizzard's mouth.

Runic Power is designed to let a Death Knight build up energy by using abilities and then unleash something cool. In the same light the various diseases that a Death Knight can use will act as a sort of pseudo combo point system. These mechanics allow the Death Knight to be a little bit unique and have somewhat of a different play style. It was mentioned that there will be a learning curve that makes the class easy to play but hard to master.

BlizzCon 2008: WoW Classes Panel is a must read.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016