Border Kingdom Cryer 02/21/2008

by on Feb 22, 2008

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The 2008 Game Developer Conference generated loads of new information and videos for Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventure. This has created a renewed fire for discussion on an already series of raging topics. As the May 20th launch date approaches people keep coming to the AoC forums to join these discussions. While this is good for the game it can make finding those valuable nuggets of information and good discussion a difficult task as you swim through a sea of dramatic post and endless rants. Let Ten Ton Hammer ease your suffering and do it for you. Join us as we cover some of the best discussions and information this week in the Border Kingdom Cryer.

Is it better to launch before or after Warhammer?

Do you think it is a good idea to launch Age of Conan (AoC) near the Warhammer Online (War) launch date? Some people are concerned about the launches of these two mammoth MMOG's being so close to each other, but others feel this can be a good thing. Spirited competition is always great in my view as it generates discussion and where there is discussion, there is interest. AoC and War have two massive followings of both traditional gamers and those who followed the tales of these two stories outside of video games. Regardless of how you slice it, these two games are going to pull in their fair share of new gamers and both are sure to have large communities.

AI sieges or crafter protection VOTE HERE (unofficial vote for Funcom's review)

In this hypothetical thread started by Odinsbrood the discussion and hypothetical vote of whether player cities need the looming threat of NPC invasion should be in at launch. What do you think? I believe it should as it will add a nice layer and threat to possessing a city. After all, having something and fighting to keep it will make it more sentimentally valuable.

Xbox360 development of AoC "troubled"?

A recent article on from the Game Developers Conference started a discussion about a possible issue with the XBox-360 controller being a possible problem for AoC. It has received a lot more attention than some believe it should have (myself included). This thread discusses that article and some of the issues brought up in it. Some of the community is rightfully concerned, but Oliver 'Tarib' Kunz Funcom Community Manager (German) responded to address a few concerns in the thread here. He vowed to get more information on what may have simply been a case of miscommunication.

Last Minute Plea For A Role-Playing Server (RP-PVE)

As the launch date for AoC gets closer the desire to hear more about the type of servers we will have is becoming more anticipated. Many people want to see a Role-Play (RP) server PvE focused, not just a PvP focused one. This thread is a push to get a developer commitment on providing this server type. You can also vote in our Ten Ton Hammer RP server pole here.

Funniest RP moment in ANY MMO.

While we wait for AoC to launch, we as players must find ways to amuse ourselves. This thread started by Tas takes advantage of an old MMOG past time by asking players to share some of their funniest RP stories. Have you got one of your own? You can share it in this thread.

Sign up for FFA PVP servers

Are you one of those players that prefer the sheer unedited chaos of all out free for all (FFA) PvP? If so this thread is for you. Zakarun wants to know how many of you are in support of a FFA PvP server. With no official statement on the number or types of servers yet, Zakarun took it upon himself to start building support for this server type. If this is something you might be interested in, lend your support in this thread and maybe the developers will listen.


AoC Ten Ton Hammer Threads of the Week

GDC: Age of Conan Shows Off Mounts and City Building

Information has been pouring out of the GDC this week and Ten Ton Hammer staff was on hand to get you the latest news and updates for AoC. Ten Ton Hammer staff members Jeff Woleslagle, Cody Bye and Garrett Fuller caught up to Gaute Godager, Game Director and Erling Ellingsen, Product Manager for AoC and scored some new information on our most anticipated MMOG. The discussion has been a hot topic this week as some of the community questions were answered leaving them thirsty for more.

Rolling With Role-Players

This thread spawned from an article written by Ten Ton Hammer's AoC Community manager MaChail about Role-playing. The discussion covers some of the basics in Role-Playing and character development. Many of the AoC Ten Ton Hammer community have tossed their opinions into the pool; feel free to add yours.


AoC Ten Ton Hammer Guild of the Week

Sanguiphoria RP/PvP East coast Guild

This week our Ten Ton Hammer guild of the week goes to Sanguiphoria. They are a Role-Play player vs Player (PvP) guild residing on the east coast of the United States. Their guild accommodates many play-styles and Rocqu describes it best...

We have refined our focus to encompass all aspects of the game equally. The guild of Sanguiphoria will represent the hardcore, as well as the casual. Roleplayers, Raiders, PvP Killers, PvE Experts, Crafters, all will be given the freedom to pursue and encouraged to excel at their chosen style of game play.-Rocqu

You can read more about Sanguiphoria in their Ten Ton hammer thread or visit their guild web-site here.


Wanted for Ten ton Hammer News

Have You Found Love in a MMOG?

If so Uncle MaChail wants you.

Hey guys, I'm looking for a couple of gamers who have a real life romantic relationship which started from meeting up in game.

If you or anyone you know is interested in telling their tale, please send me a Private Message. - MaChail


In case you missed it check out this week's Hot Ten Ton Hammer content.

Game Director Gaute Godager Reveals Age of Conan Mounted Combat at GDC - Video GDC: Age of Conan Shows Off Mounts and City Building Art Book Preview: Cimmeria GDC 2008: New Age of Conan Images Ten Tips for Successful Grouping Weekly FAQ Update

Feel like discussing this weeks events somewhere other than these threads. Tell us on our forums.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016