Border Kingdom Cryer 03/06/2008

by on Mar 07, 2008

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Another week has passed and so we are one more closer to launch. The Age of Conan Hyborian Adventure (AoC) community and fan base continues to grow at a regular pace and the official forums are flooded with traffic both new and old. As always Ten Ton Hammer is here to save you the trouble of sifting through a sea of dramatic posts and incoherent rants to find that tiny morsel of juicy information and good discussion. Win a Beta spot, the king has come to the UK, Priest of Mitra revealed and will they ever give those roleplayers their own server, all this and more in this week's Border kingdom Cryer.

(Note: If you don't understand something I have said or abbreviated get caught up on the terminology here.

Win a Betaspot - Your Betaprayer to the Hyborian gods - POST YOUR PRAYERS HERE (II)

If you haven't submitted your prayer to the Hyborian gods yet you still have some time. The contest comes to a close next week but due to the massive popularity of this contest and everyone rushing in and praying for a beta spot (literally) the good people at Funcom had to open up a second thread. So if you still have high dreams of reaching the heavenly gates of beta, start praying now.

Finally, The King Has Come To The UK

Eidos and Funcom have organized a little tour for the media in London and they have decided to give the public a chance to win a couple of seats on the tour. They are opting nine tickets to the event to be given away to winners. If you think you have what it takes to win, and you can get yourself to London in time, read the rules and post your feedback in this thread. Be sure to let us know how it is if you win.

Priest of Mitra Class Interview is up at TTH

This week a new class interview for the Priest of Mitra was added to the AoC Ten Ton hammer class interview section and it has been resonating through the AoC community. This thread discusses the information revealed in the interview and shows what many players are looking forward to for this class as well as some of their concerns in regards to balance. If you missed the interview be sure to catch up on it here.

Last Minute Plea For A Role-Playing Server (RP-PVE)

Our good friend is topping off the forums again this week. This is the thread that never gets old and it keeps hanging in there week after week. Give the roleplayers their PvE server already. This thread has been a hot one for weeks and has even had some new spin offs his week. As always voice your support or opposition in this thread and cast your vote in our poll.

Compiled AoC Ten Ton Hammer Content Thread

If you haven't taken notice of the new sticky thread on the official Age of Conan forums take a peak at this one. This thread contains links to all AoC Ten Ton Hammer information currently available and sorted by type. Have an older article we released that you want to find, this is the place to track it down. It will be updated as new information becomes available so keep a check.

RP-PVP servers

With the feud arising between roleplayers over the RP-PvE/RP-PvP server sets in recent weeks it was nice to see a thread of roleplayers taking aim at someone else. In this case leet speaker dudes. This thread is solely dedicated to you hardcore PvP 'ers. In this case the roleplayers want to let the message be known that the leet dudes are going to be very surprised if they come to their server expecting to find easy prey. That said, "Let the flames begin!"

AoC Ten Ton Hammer Threads of the Week

Ten Ton Hammer Kicking and Screaming Forum Referral Contest

If you wanted a good week for contests this is it. Ten Ton Hammer is having another one on top of all the others I have already mentioned and all you have to do is drag your friends, guild mates, acquaintances, random people you pass in-game or the net kicking and screaming to Ten Ton Hammer. This is your chance to bring a few new faces into our cozy little family and earn yourself some nice MMOG swag. What kind of swag you ask? Let me quote Shayalyn to give you a hint.

Grand Prize winner will receive... an exclusive mystery prize from the Ten Ton Hammer prize bag!

Our mystery prizes are high quality swag just for gamers--goodies you can't likely buy or obtain unless you attend insider gaming events like we do.
We'll choose the prize for you!

So start recruiting to earn your swag today folks. Read up on the info here, the rules here, and check out the official thread here.


Uncle Machail Wants You...

Machail made this post to try and rally the AoC Ten Ton Hammer community to take over the Ten Ton Hammer forum posting lead. Since we have overthrown World of Warcraft from The Pulse and assumed our rightful spot at the number one slot ~flex~ and we all know that Age of Conan is going to rock any other game when it launches in May. We at AoC Ten Ton Hammer feel a sense of pride and accomplishment and we ask you to not only aid us in taking over Ten Ton Hammer with the most posts, but also the highest quality of posts. We don't ask you to do this for accomplishment, vanity, or anything quite so complicated. We want you to do it for pride and the bragging rights of monkey stomping every other game on the network into the ground pure and simple. So read up on Uncle Machails post and help us build this community up and take the title on all fronts. ~Waves fist at World of Warcraft~

JoBildo - New Ten Ton Hammer: Age of Conan Community Manager

This week we received another set of hands to aid in day to day operations for AoC Ten Ton Hammer. William "JoBildo" Murphy has joined the staff and this thread is his welcome to the asylum bid. Offer Bildo a warm welcome here and also be sure to check out his site and blog here.

AoC Ten Ton Hammer Guild of the Week

Besieged - US PvE/PvP Guild Recruiting

This week's AoC Ten Ton Hammer Guild of the Week goes to Besieged. This is a semi-hardcore raid guild that boasts raiding often and well. One of their unique aspects is they don't require their members to spec in certain ways. They have open recruiting until launch so if this sounds like it might interest you give them a look. Here is a snippet from their profile.

Besieged is guild for people who enjoy endgame content, but are tried of being told exactly how to play their character. If you are a mature active player who can efficiently play the game, and you are looking for a guild that will be a strong force on a server without demanding that you give up your real life. Besieged is the guild for you.

If Besieged sounds like your kind of guild take a look at their Ten Ton Hammer thread or visit their web-site here.

This Week's Hot Content

Age of Conan Class Interview #8: The Priest of Mitra Age of Conan Art Book Preview: Stygia

Tell us what you think about this week's topics on our forums.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016