Border Kingdom Cryer 04/19/2008

by on Apr 19, 2008

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Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures is just a short four and a half weeks away from launch and Ten Ton Hammer's Border Kingdom Cryer is covering it every step of the way. With the anticipation of launch and open Beta lingering around the corner the community has been heavily discussing new topics and old with countless new threads. With all the renewed discussion taking place it can be a challenging job to find that good discussion or one great nugget of information as you sift through a sea of dramatic posts and endless rants. Let Ten Ton hammer do it for you. This week we take a look at some of the top threads and best discussion in the Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures community.

Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures is just a short four and a half weeks away and Ten Ton Hammer's Border Kingdom Cryer feature is covering it every step of the way. Its time to start the Border Kingdom Cryer countdown to launch. As of this issue we stand at 31or 28 days if your on the head start countdown. The launch date is lingering around the corner either way, and discussion is raging on the official forum as players everywhere are anxiously waiting for the gates of Hyboria to open. With all the discussion and chatter it can be difficult to find those great pieces of discussion and those ever so rare nuggets of info as you sift through an endless sea of dramatic posts and flaming rants. Let Ten Ton Hammer do it for you. Join us as we take a look at some of the best discussions and save you the trauma of reading through the drama. Death in Hyboria gets some heavy discussion, Lost in Hyboria breaks the fourth wall, a massive PvP weekend is in play, and open beta starts May 1st all this and more in this week's Border Kingdom Cryer.

You can read the new Cryer here. Tell us what you think of this weeks content on our forums.


Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016