Border Kingdom Cryer 05/29/2008

by on May 30, 2008

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Extra, Extra...

Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures has officially launched and the masses are flocking through Hyboria as we speak. With AoC officially live Ten Ton Hammer has been rolling out loads of content and the Border Kingdom Cryer is here to summarize this weeks content and the top pieces of discussion across the forums. With all launches the forums gain a ton of new traffic and discussion making it hard to keep up with the best discussion and most informative threads as they are drowned out by massive posting and dramatic screaming. Let Ten Ton Hammer ease your suffering with our Border Kingdom Cryer.

Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures has officially launched and the story everywhere is that the launch is one of the most successful in MMORPG history. This week we continue the Cryer post launch coverage. Ten Ton Hammer has been pumping out game related goodies and guide content and you can expect that flood of information to continue. This week we have released over 16 new content items for Age of Conan. The community has been heavily discussing AoC since launch and with all the discussion, chatter, and excitement it can be difficult to find those great pieces of discussion and those ever so rare nuggets of info as you sift through an endless sea of dramatic posts and flaming rants. Let Ten Ton Hammer do it for you. Join us as we take a look at some of the best discussions of the week and save you the trauma of reading through the drama. Funcom lays the smackdown on exploiters, clarification on the emotes bugs, Tuk's Weekly Funny, Lost in Hyboria names the damsel, and AoC Ten Ton Hammer releases a ton of new content, all this and more in this week's Border Kingdom Cryer.

You can view the new Cryer here. Discuss this week's hot topics on our forum.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016