Breaking news! Moorgard = Next Joss Whedon!

by on Jun 05, 2006

Okay not really. But he has dreams! He's going to be bigger than Roseann! Which is definitely a feat and a half...<br />

Okay not really. But he has dreams! He's going to be bigger than Roseann! Which is definitely a feat and a half...

It’s just as well. My plan was to sneak into the ABC offices and pitch this great idea for a sitcom that Shwayder and I have come up with. That would, of course, have resulted in me becoming a famous TV writer and leaving the gaming industry behind, thereby leading to our tearful parting as I left you all for a life of fame and fortune. I guess stardom will just have to wait.

Fortunately, his dreams of stardom are crushed.

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016