Buying the Farm - Sunsong Ranch Changes in Patch 5.2

by on Dec 27, 2012

Big changes are coming to Sunsong Ranch in Patch 5.2, including the ability to purchase our beloved Sunsong Ranch.

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If you are anything like me,
farming Sunsong Ranch in World of Warcraft is something pretty special.
Sure its not quite as exciting as say taking down that last boss in the
raid your guild has been working on for weeks, but there is just
something about tilling that soil that appeals to me. Which is also
probably why I was more than a little addicted to Farmville for a
period of time, but I digress. However, I've always felt that Sunsong
Ranch would be so much better, so much more personal, if I could
actually call it my own.

Buying the Farm

It appears that in Patch 5.2
this dream will come to life In an effort to play Santa, Blizzard has
recently given us a small taste of what is in store for us in the
newest World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria patch. While many exciting
additions and changes were revealed in the Patch notes for 5.2,
including a brand new raid instance, my attention was immediately drawn
to the changes coming to the Tillers faction and in turn Sunsong Ranch.

Finally, we will have the
ability to purchase Sunsong Ranch from Farmer Yoon and make it our very
own. According to the patch notes, once we purchase the ranch it will
basically become our own personal inn. Pretty cool right? This means
that Sunsong Ranch will be a safe haven where we can log out in
relative safety.

As if just owning Sunsong Ranch
wasn't enough, it appears that once you have purchased the land work
orders will begin to flow in from all over Pandaria. These work orders
will come from various factions and will earn us reputation with that
faction once they are completed. For those of us who already spend time
each day at the ranch, this ability to earn reputation while doing
something we enjoy is nothing short of amazing.

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Yoon will be giving up the keys to the castle in Patch 5.2

is what Blizzard had to
say about buying the farm in their official Patch notes for 5.2:

that have grown attached to working the land at Sunsong Ranch can now
purchase the land from Farmer Yoon. Once the farm is owned by a player,
it becomes a rest point like an Inn, where the player can bind and
instantly log out. Work orders will pour into the farm from factions
across Pandaria, and completing a work order will earn a reputation
boost with the issuing faction. 

Please note: The new
Sunsong Ranch features are not available on the PTR, but will be coming

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hot piece of realty could be all yours in Patch 5.2

Other Patch 5.2 Changes

Besides the news of Sunsong
Ranch coming up for sale, Blizzard has other changes and additions in
store for the farm. These changes include:

Seed bags have been added to
the game that will allow the planting of crops 4 plots at a time. Yoon's Mailbox has had a
name change and will now be known as Sunsong Ranch Mailbox. Special Crops will now yeild
more, making farming them comparable to gathering the same items in the
world. Running the Master Plow
across any underground Virmen will cause them to reveal themselves. Wild Crops will now appear
less often.  Players who have the
“Friends on the Farm” achievement will no longer
find gifts while harvesting. Instead they will have a change to find
special seeds such as Magebulb, Enigma Seed, and Songbell.

That about wraps it up for
changes to Sunsong Ranch in Patch 5.2. After viewing all the changes
coming, it seems like Sunsong Ranch in Patch 5.2 will be a much
improved place. In my opinion every change made above is beneficial to
the overall enjoyment of the ranch instead of a determent. All I can
say is well played Blizzard, keep these kind of updates coming and
Sunsong Ranch will continue to be a source of pleasure for players

How do you feel about the
changes coming to the Tillers and Sunsong Ranch? Will you be purchasing
Sunsong Ranch as soon as it becomes available? What changes would you
like to see to Sunsong Ranch in future patches? Share your thoughts
with us using the comment section below.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016