By the Wings of Dragons - Part 4

by on Nov 11, 2008

Missdoomcookie has posted part 4 of her wondrous tale!

Missdoomcookie has posted part 4 of her wondrous tale!

Eylee glanced up and over at Kaltuk. The dwarf's eyes were dark and saggy. The whole of the group stood around, watching him. The Feir'dal had explained what was going on when she reached the rest of the group, and though there had been some semblance of trying to keep at their work, most had been glancing at him so often that they finally just stopped. Most didn't react to the news. There had been too much, too fast today and everyone was so drained that one more should-be-crushing revelation couldn't affect them. Asharae, however, cursed audibly, and Illisia actually turned and embraced Bayle, burying her head against his chest. He stroked at her head dully and rested his chin against her head, staring forward.

Follow Eylee through another great segment of this story. Get the link for the story and give missdoomcookie some feedback in this Official Forum thread.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016