Career Mastery - Disciple of Khaine

by on Aug 06, 2008

<h1 align="center">Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Career Mastery Paths</h1> <h2 align="center">Dark Elven Disciple of Khaine</h2> <hr />

Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Career Mastery Paths

Dark Elven Disciple of Khaine

Official information from EA Mythic

One of the major parts of any MMOG is that the gameplay has to fit your playstyle. If it doesn't then you can bet that you won't be playing that game for long. Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning is no exception, regardless of how good it might be. When a game doesn't make sense to you with how it plays or it has that "same 'ol same 'ol" feel to it, it can be boring, frustrating, confusing, (insert appropriate adjective here). One way game designers overcome that feeling in a game is to allow you, the player, to take some modicum of control over your character and choose how he/she will specialize for your playstyle in whatever game you're playing. If you want to do more damage, you can specialize in skills that will add to your DPS. If you like being able to take the pain, then skills that stress damage mitigation are key. If you're a healer, then you obvioulsy want to boost your healing ability (unless you're like I am,then you go for more damage and toss your friends to the wind!). And the list goes on and on.

Back in December, EA Mythic announced that they were adding a Career Mastery tree to each class in Warhammer Online so that each player could customize his/her character's playstyle. It's a similar idea to the Talents trees in WoW, the AA lines in Everquest 2, or the feats from Age of Conan.

New to the Warhammer genre, the Disciple of Khaine is born of the Cauldron of Blood, an ancient artifact that is used by the Hags to maintain their youthful appearance during the Death Night.

Disciple of Khaine

Career Masteries

Dark priests of the Bloody Handed god, The Disciples of Khaine can be found on the frontline of any Druchii assault. In combat, the Disciple is a master of shifting the balance of a fight, for what they reap from their enemies they give to their allies - what was once your strength will soon become their own. Disciples must be watched carefully and their fell magic countered in short order or you will find your very essence trapped in servitude to Khaine.

Using wicked ritual blades, a Disciple harvests the essence of their enemy and offers it to Khaine in exchange for blessings and dark powers. These dark gifts allow the Disciple to tend to the needs of the Dark Elven host, mending bones, suppressing pain, and even raising critically injured warriors to fight again.

Disciple of Khaine Masteries

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Path of Ritual

The Path of Ritual is focused on the healing gifts that Khaine grants to his faithful priests. A master of this path will be able to focus more power into the essence that they tear from their enemies, greatly empowering their healing abilities.

Path of Torture

The Path of Torture is a pious Mastery focused on worshipping Khaine - of course, Khaine demands this worship at the edge of a knife, and hears prayers only when bolstered by the screams of his enemies. A specialist in this Mastery has practiced long and well with their brutal sacrificial blades, and has trained themselves as a deadly warrior.

Path of Sacrifice

The Path of Sacrifice is a deceptive Mastery that simultaneously damages enemies and strengthens allies. Instead of focusing quite as much on either building or consuming essence, a master of this path favors attacks that not only damage the enemy but also momentarily steal away a portion of their strength.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016