Casually Casual WoW: Episode III - Casual…Raiding?!

by on May 10, 2010

Want to have the World of Warcraft raiding experience but don’t have the time? Can’t seem to get a group together that can kill anything but the easiest bosses?

to have the World of Warcraft raiding experience but
don’t have the time? Can’t seem to get a group
together that can kill anything but the easiest bosses? Tired of being
unable to obtain the gear you desire? Jason “Mem”
Bechdel may have a solution to the problem. Join him as he presents his
answer to this dilemma this week in Casually Casual href=""
target="_blank">WoW: Episode III - Casual…

Raiding is a heady
feeling. Not all of it I suppose, but that moment
when a boss your guild has been working on for days, or even weeks
falls before your feet it truly is a magical experience. The rush that
follows is nothing short of euphoric and I believe this is one of the
things that appeals to raiders so much.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016