Catching Bugs - SOE Blog

by on Oct 17, 2008

Players always find new and interesting ways of mucking up what the devs thought that they got right, but that's part of being a tester right?

Players always find new and interesting ways of mucking up what the devs thought that they got right, but that's part of being a tester right? Emily "Domino" Taylor talks about those elusive bugs that always seem to slip by.

My favorite example of this was probably a bug report I received from the tradeskill epic quest line, in the scholar instance. This step of the quest has you zone into the Library of Light in Maj’dul, where you have to dodge annoyed djinn librarians in order to search the shelves for scraps of some old halfling crafting notes. Once you have found all the scraps of paper, you use a scribing desk and a bookbinding recipe book that you pick up on the far side of the library to bind the papers into a readable scroll which you take back to the quest-giver. I carefully made this final scroll “no destroy” just to be sure nobody would delete it and then get stuck on the quest after leaving the library.

This is a really cute blog that is sure to give a giggle. Stop on by Station Blogs and give it a read and think of Domino next time you stumble over a humorous bug in game!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016