CCP Details EVE Online Contract System Changes

by on Dec 29, 2010

<p>CCP is making a few adjustments to how your <em><a href="">EVE Online</a></em> contracts and item search abilities will function with the 1.1 Incursion update sched

CCP is making a few adjustments to how your EVE Online contracts and item search abilities will function with the 1.1 Incursion update scheduled for January. Recently, a number of issues were discovered on the backend of operations, so the new contract system changes will help free up location nodes and make searching contracts much faster. The new changes are experimental and will be in testing for a few months, but you can check out what CCP has in store for the system in the latest developer blog from CCP Atlas.

The new Contract search feature is Experimental, which means that it will be in a Beta phase for a few months while we iron out the kinks and make sure it performs well enough. That means that you can continue to use the old contracts search and you can provide us with feedback through the forum thread associated with this blog. Then, a few patches later, we will tear off the Experimental band-aid and let the feature out into the wild. In its experimental state the feature should be completely usable though, and you should feel free to use it as much as you want to when it hits Tranquility.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016