CCP Supports Child's Play With Unique Offer

by on Sep 25, 2008

<strong>CCP opening its doors to Child's Play charity.</strong>

CCP opening its doors to Child's Play charity.

Worthy events bring out the best in people and sometimes companies. The Child's Play charity is just such a worthy charity and CCP is doing its part help raise funds and awareness. From today's EVE News, CCP announces a unique bidding war for a chance at an exclusive tour of the CCP offices led by the CEO Hilmar Pétursson. The details on how to win:

We're starting this one early so, until 24:00 on October 22, simply email with your bid. Bidding starts at $1000 (USD). The tour will take place on November 5 2008, before everyone rushes out to have fun at Fanfest. You may bid as many times as you want, so if you want to make sure you'll win that golden ticket to the backstage of the galaxy, just raise your bid! Good luck!

What a great way to provide something money can't always buy and support a good cause. Good on you CCP, and good luck to all of you bidders!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016