CCP to Deliver EVElopedia

by on Jul 11, 2008

<strong>EVE Online produces EVElopedia the official wiki of EVE.</strong>

EVE Online produces EVElopedia the official wiki of EVE.

CCP will release the official version of a wiki based on EVE Online very soon (define "soon"?). The wiki is currently in beta and CCP has announced the moderating mechanics and what makes this wiki special. It's different from other wikis because it will be populated with an up to date Item database:

"It will look similar to the website DB as it looks now, but you’ll notice that there are some minor changes, mostly aesthetic ones. One good thing about the macro is that we can update it at any given time. So on a patch day we can export it from the server, use the macro to update the wiki and voilà, an up to date Item Database, on patch day!"

Anther added feature is that the wiki will be available through the ingame browser. Read the rest of the notes on the EVE Insider Developer Blog.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016