CCP to Spend $7mil on EVE Online

by on Jun 04, 2007

<strong>7 million on marketing... and that ain't ISK</strong> According to GamerNode, CMO Magnus Bergson claims that CCP will spend $7 million on advertising for EVE Online <em>this year alone</em> in hopes of pushing the game past its status as a hard

7 million on marketing... and that ain't ISK

According to GamerNode, CMO Magnus Bergson claims that CCP will spend $7 million on advertising for EVE Online this year alone in hopes of pushing the game past its status as a hardcore gamer's PvParadise.

"The hardcore gamers know about EVE... So we're expanding. We're still going to be in the hardcore gaming media, but we're adding more general gaming and even portals like Yahoo!. We need to expand, because if we're going to go beyond 300,000 subscribers, we can't just do that with hardcore gamers," he said.

Read the entire story at GamerNode.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016