Champions Online: A Day in the Life of Their CCO

by on Mar 25, 2008

<strong>I haven't ever, but sure, lets hear it.</strong> Ever wondered what exactly a Chief Creative Officer does all day? Jack Emmert, the CCO for Champions Online, is happy to enlighten you.

I haven't ever, but sure, lets hear it.

Ever wondered what exactly a Chief Creative Officer does all day? Jack Emmert, the CCO for Champions Online, is happy to enlighten you.

I've been asked many times, "so what exactly do you do as chief creative officer?" I think most of my designers would simply say, "he doesn't do much" (little joke).

So I thought I'd go through a particular work day: Friday, March 21st.

Read all about Mr. Emmert's day at the Champions Online website.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016