Champions Online - Meet Victor Watcher

by on Jul 26, 2008

<strong>More personable than a cat when you're holding milk.</strong>

More personable than a cat when you're holding milk.

Meet Victor Watcher, Community Manager for Champions Online. He enjoys playing games, karaoke, and is a world class contender in sitting around and not doing much. Yeah, this sounds like a guy to sit around and have a few beers with.

Q: What's your secret superpower?
A: Unfortunately, I am just a highly-trained norm. But today I realized how handy it would be to be able to create quantum duplicates of myself. I was walking down the hall and past every door I heard "Hey Victor. Come here a second." If I had dupes, I could send one into each room and still keep walking to fetch that soda I wanted.

For the full interview with Victor, please check the Champions Online main site.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016