Champions Online: Three New Combat Screenshots

by on Apr 29, 2008

Calling all super heroes! The developers at Cryptic Studios have released three new screenshots from their upcoming super hero-based

Calling all super heroes! The developers at Cryptic Studios have
released three new screenshots from their upcoming super hero-based
massively multiplayer game, Champions
. While the first few
screenshots released weren't terribly detailed, these particular
screenshots should impress just about any graphics grognard out there.
The Ten Ton Hammer staff has posted all three of the new images, and
everyone is more than welcome to take a look!

New Champions


style="width: 640px; height: 100px; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
href=""> src="/image/view/31551/preview" width="200"> href=""> src="/image/view/31552/preview" width="200"> href=""> src="/image/view/31553/preview" width="200">

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016