Champions to Storm the Rift With Now That LoL's Servers Have Moved

by on Aug 25, 2015

With low ping comes a whole new world of possibility!

Today marks a joyous occasion in the lives of many League of Legends players. The servers have moved from Portland to Chicago, in the effort to bring the ping of all players in North America under 80. For those of us that have consistently dealt with 120-150 ping (or even higher!) this is a massive improvement. Of course, those who live on the West coast may not be as thrilled, but this article isn’t for them.

This is for the players who are suddenly playing with less than 100 ping for the first time. In a world of endless possibility, the sheer number of choices in front of you may seem overwhelming. What should you do first, now that the sky is the limit? Fear not, my friend. Here is a list of champions you never thought you could play, but should now be unafraid to break out in your ranked games.


Lee Sin

He once was blind, but now he sees…low ping! The Blind Monk is known for his flashy plays, but how were you ever supposed to pull them off? Now that high latency is a thing of the past, you too can fly around the map and kick people to their deaths with ease! You can jungle with him, sure, but how will you show off your suddenly-godlike mechanics that way? No, it’s time to break out the mid lane Lee Sin, like you’ve seen the pros do! By the time you’re done melting people with your full AD build, people won’t even remember who inSec is.




It’s time to get the reset! Facerolling your keyboard to pick up kills may sound easy, but you know as well as I do that high ping can make even the most masterful forehead rolls seem downright pedestrian compared to what those West coasters were able to pull off. Now, the tables have turned! Sure, it might seem a bit late after what feels like a constant stream of nerfs to Kat’s laning phase, but that shouldn’t deter you! With your newfound last-hitting skills, you’ll be able to dominate your lane, then proceed to reset all over your enemies when it comes time for team fights. Now, go make Scarra proud.




Let’s be honest, here. We both know that all of your time with the Battle Bunny has made you the next BoxBox, if only your connection was good enough. Your time to shine has come! You’ll be executing the “fast combo,” interrupting abilities left and right, jumping over walls and making fools re-think their life decisions with your insane Riven mechanics. With ping no longer an issue, the climb to Diamond is going to be a cake-walk. You know who beats your Riven in solo queue? Nobody, that’s who. Now that there’s no latency issues to hold you back, you’re going straight to the top.



Today truly is a brand new day. What once seemed impossible is now reality. We are no longer shackled by our East coast ping. Go forth, and dominate the Rift!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016