China Bans WoW Skeletons

by on Jul 09, 2007

<strong>China insists Blizzard, The9 skin skeletons</strong> From master rumor mill Kotaku, it looks like Beijing doesn't stop at the login screen: <cite>In a classic example of 'missing the forest for the trees,' the Chinese government has banned u

China insists Blizzard, The9 skin skeletons

From master rumor mill Kotaku, it looks like Beijing doesn't stop at the login screen:

In a classic example of 'missing the forest for the trees,' the Chinese government has banned undead skeletons from World of Warcraft, insisting they be covered up with flesh. The9, the Chinese company that holds the license to operate WoW in China, complied with the order, as well as the demand to change player corpses into graves. The reason? Promoting 'harmonious society,' of course.

Read about China's brave new World of Warcraft at Kotaku.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016