Chronicles of Spellborn: Exclusive Interview with Marco van Haren

by on Oct 23, 2006

<b>Spelling It Out - A combat-focused Q&A with Spellborn's Marco van Haren</b><br /> <br /> Marco "Freeze" van Haren discusses combat encounters and other player expectations surrounding the highly anticipated, storyline-centric fantasy MMORPG The Chron

Spelling It Out - A combat-focused Q&A with Spellborn's Marco van Haren

Marco "Freeze" van Haren discusses combat encounters and other player expectations surrounding the highly anticipated, storyline-centric fantasy MMORPG The Chronicles of Spellborn (from the Dutch development team Spellborn International). If you saw our latest batch of TCoS screens, you know that this game has a ton of personality. Van Haren, the PR Manager for Spellborn, was kind enough to bring some of that personality to our network and "spell" out some answers to our every question.

"Marco van Haren: 'What we try to do with the encounters in The Chronicles of Spellborn is to make strategy an important factor. Not only the players use a skill deck in combat, so do the enemies. Players need to learn the attack tactics of enemies to be successful in combat. Players also need to take their surroundings into account since the Spellborn world contains no big open fields but instead offers a dense world with danger around every corner.'"

Keep reading to learn much more. Are you looking forward to playing Chronicles of Spellborn? Let us know in the Ten Ton Hammer Forums today!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016