City of Heroes Fifth Anniversary Interview with Matt "Positron" Miller

by on Apr 28, 2009

Five years is a large stretch of time for the average human. Even for a centenarian, half a decade is a twentieth of their life, so to watch a fledgling MMO studio create the world’s first super...

Five years is a large stretch of time for the average human. Even for a
centenarian, half a decade is a twentieth of their life, so to watch a
fledgling MMO studio create the world’s first super hero MMO
release it to resounding success has been a privilege. This week, href=""
target="_blank">City of Heroes
celebrates its five year anniversary, and the Ten Ton Hammer staff sat
down with Lead Designer Matt "Positron" Miller to have a very honest
discussion about the best and worst moments in the franchise, the
future of the brand, and how the Paragon Studios team plans to remain
competitive against the two newest contender to their super hero throne.

Ton Hammer: Looking back, were there any horrible “Oh
moments during the initial development and/or after launch? If so, how
did the team handle the situation and what kind of resolution was there
to the issue?

MM: We had an Influence (money) dupe bug that was reported
within 48 hours of the game going live. The player who reported it
didn’t tell anyone else about it, and wasn’t
looking for anything in
return. It was because of his noble efforts that we created the Bug
Hunter badge in order to have something to hand out to upstanding
players who know when something is severely broken and let us know
without abusing it themselves.

target="_blank">To read the rest of our exclusive City
of Heroes interview with Matt Miller, click here!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016