Clan Interview - Brotherhood of the Spider

by on May 08, 2008

<center><h3>CLAN INTERVIEW - BROTHERHOOD OF THE SPIDER</h3> <img src="" height="150" width="640"> </center>


JoBildo: Let’s get the courtesies out of the way first. Thanks so much for taking the time to do this interview with us. It’s always great to get to know one of clans a bit more.

BROTHERHOOD OF THE SPIDER: Thank you and TTH for building this great community of gamers and giving us a forum like this to share information about our guilds.

JoBildo: Tell us (that is the entire world) a little bit about BROTHERHOOD OF THE SPIDER.

BROTHERHOOD OF THE SPIDER: What makes Brotherhood of the Spider (BoTS) different from a lot of end-game guilds is that we are more than JUST a guild in any one game. We are part of a larger organization ( which has been dominating MMO's for nearly a decade and a half.

Our EQ1 division has been the top guild on The Rathe server for over 7 years, the WoW division has been stomping Illidan's face since July 2007 and the Vanguard team has been serving up world wide firsts on everything in sight on Xeth since release. When we say our goal in AoC is to be #1, that isn't just empty talk; we have to live up to our other team's accomplishments.

Ultimately, BoTS/DROW really is a brotherhood. We welcome new members warmly from day one, and treat old members with the respect you would give to any alumni. DROW is an organization that you can stay with from one MMOG to the next. We were just fortunate enough to be sponsored by with a 400 man ventrilo Server. We love you, you guys own!

JoBildo: Careful how you throw that L-word around... that usually comes with false expectations and eventually alimony. Now, how would you guys classify yourselves? Are you a tight-knit role-play clan, a PvP clan…?

BOtS: We are a tight knit group of power gamers; the kind that eat content whole and leave the scraps for other guilds. We are a solid team dedicated to accomplishing our goals and creating many memories together.

In AoC our goals are to have the world first city, world first battlekeep, and the world first kills on every raid mob. We will accomplish these goals by working together.

JoBildo: Feel like sharing how the Clan’s run? What’s the leadership like, and how do you guys delegate authority? Basically, are you more Hitler or more Gandhi?

BoTS: Lol. Wow, Ghandi or Hitler, could you pick more polar opposites? We do have one figure head or team leader and his name is Xantheous. He is our leader but he does not rule with an iron first. The guild votes on all the important issues, the officers then discuss the issue and the final word comes from Xan. Nine times out of ten we go with the majority vote though.

JoBildo: So then, you actually have a form of Democracy? And the majority vote actually matters? That must be a nice fantasy world. Anyway about how many members are there currently in your Clan?

BoTS: We are currently at 167 members that have all logged in or posted within the last month. This is by far the largest division that Drow has ever supported to my knowledge, but being unsure of what to expect in siege battles it is better to be proactive instead of reactive.

One of the amazing things things about us is how incredibly diverse we are at the moment. We have doctors, business owners, house wives, college students, professors, engineers…people from all backgrounds and life experiences. We are unified in our diversity.

JoBildo: It’s a pretty popular thing in terms of guilds and clans to host events on their respective servers. Is that something BoTS ever does?

BoTS: You might say that our EQ1 guild hosted an event when they awoke the Sleeper (earning them a spot on the Top 5 moments in MMO history), but it is not something we regularly do. Perhaps when AoC launches and after we have attained our goals, there will be time for a party.

One thing we are attempting to do is gather the best guilds from across North America onto one server. We want our “world” to be the most competitive of all the Hyborian “worlds”…and that is only going to happen by being challenged by the best.

JoBildo: Well if you guys are recruiting for new members, can you tell us what exactly it takes to become one of the Brotherhood? What’s required of a future member?

BoTS: I know everyone says it but we require dedication, respect and for you to always keep your word. A lot of us spend way more than 30+ hours a week in these games and we require the same type of dedication (though we know things do happen in RL).

One point we would like to make is that our open recruitment is ending soon. We had actually planned on ending it now, but we are extending it a week to accommodate any quality TTH readers.

JoBildo: Alright, that concludes the interview. Thanks a ton for taking the time out to let the community know everything they could want to know about Brotherhood of the Spider. It’s been fun!

BoTS: Thank you JoBildo for taking the time to feature Brotherhood of the Spider, we all appreciate your time and the effort you put into TTH and our guilds.

Clan Showcase

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016