Clan Interview - The Exodus Syndicate

by on Jun 12, 2008

<center><h3><font color="orange">CLAN INTERVIEW - THE EXODUS SYNDICATE</font></h3> <BR> <IMG SRC="" height="150" width="640"></center>


JoBildo: Let’s get the courtesies out of the way first. Thanks so much for taking the time to do this interview with us. It’s always great to get to know one of clans a bit more.

THE EXODUS SYNDICATE: Thank you JoBildo, always a pleasure to get the opportunity to speak of who we are.

JoBildo: Don’t mention it. Let's get to the goods, eh? Tell us (that is the entire world) a little bit about THE EXODUS SYNDICATE.

THE EXODUS SYNDICATE: Sure. We’re a multi-gaming community that focuses on max 2 games at one time. Right now we’re fully focused on Age of Conan as we’ve been for the last 2 years. We have about 220 daily active members and our 150-slot Vent server is filled to the brim every day. We’re currently on the Tyranny server with around 50 level 80´s so far.

We have our complete Tier 2 city in Instance 1 in Purple Lotus Swamp and we’re eagerly awaiting the bug fix so we can complete our T3 keep.

JoBildo: How would you guys classify yourselves? Are you a tight-knit role-play clan, a PvP clan…?

THE EXODUS SYNDICATE: We’re a PvP clan at heart and we love organized FFA-PvP. Basically, we’re all extremely dedicated to reaching our goals in Age of Conan and we’re already quite successful.

JoBildo: Well, do you feel like sharing how the Clan’s run? What’s the leadership like, and how do you guys delegate authority? Basically, are you more Hitler or more Gandhi?

THE EXODUS SYNDICATE: Absolutely, we’re internally divided into ten 24-man groups (Houses) lead by two Officers each who act like close motivators and organizers so that the individual member will always have someone to talk to regarding issues, problems or just about anything with someone that can relay the concerns upwards. For AoC, I and two colleagues (Genx and SneakyJes) act as Guild Leaders and we have the absolute responsibility for the whole clan.

As a clan with a larger active members-base, having internal groups is extremely beneficial both from a community aspect as well as from the in-game aspect. You can read more about that on our website.

Concerning my own leadership, I think that all leaders need to have some Gandhi in them and as do I. There has to be a friendly kind of love for the people that spend so many hours of their time on something you built, as time is something even a poor man has and I myself value it greatly. Hitler even though he had the masses with him, is not a good role model in this scenario and I’d rather compare the other part of myself to someone more like John F Kennedy or Martin Luther King who were both very decisive yet respected instead of just feared. There’s a time to listen and a time for putting ones foot down and managing both those are part of a leader’s every-day agenda.

JoBildo: How many folks are there currently in your Clan? It sounds like you might be raising a small army.

THE EXODUS SYNDICATE: Currently we have 220 daily active and rostered members and that’s a good round number.

JoBildo: Sweet Crom! Makes me glad I’m on a PvE server. Anyway, something that’s becoming more of a standard in terms of guilds is to host events on their respective servers. Is that something THE EXODUS SYNDICATE ever does?

THE EXODUS SYNDICATE: As the server is still young and our focus is on leveling, city building and raiding we haven’t had the time to get to that yet. I’m a fan of tournaments though and depending on the development of the server it might or might not happen.

JoBildo: If you guys are recruiting for new members, can you tell us what exactly it takes to become one of the THE EXODUS SYNDICATE? What’s required of a prospective member?

THE EXODUS SYNDICATE: Our “open” recruitment is closed as we feel we’re pretty much covered in that area since we’ve been recruiting for 2 years for AoC. There is still ways to get accepted though and we utilize a “recruitment group” which is run and managed by our recruiting Officers. It’ll take a minimum of 2 weeks to get accepted and we’re only looking for the most hardcore and dedicated members at this point and the applicant needs to be above level 50 or shown a very quick progress to his/her current level.

JoBildo: Alright, that concludes the interview. I’m tapped out of questions basically. Thanks so much guys for taking the time to answer these questions and letting the community know everything they could want to know about THE EXODUS SYNDICATE. It’s been a pleasure, and I now know that I wouldn’t want to meet you lot on the battlefield.

THE EXODUS SYNDICATE: Thank you JoBildo, the pleasure was all mine.


Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016