CNN Reviews Age of Conan

by on Jul 10, 2008

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CNN recently reviewed Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures. The review was based off of a week in the game and pointed out some of the benefits and flaws of the game. One main flaw mentioned was the choppy performance. Unfortunately the author never posted the computer specs they tested on so its hard to guess at how accurate that is. Overall a fairly decent review for our little Hyborian monster.

While the game has a lot going for it -- hundreds of missions, high-definition graphics and impressive voice-acting from the NPCs -- there are a few issues that need ironing out. For one, the game didn't run very smoothly, even on a PC that more than met the minimum requirements: Some choppy frame rates and stuttering action sequences hurt the overall experience. Secondly, there are odd glitches such as slain bodies that get stuck in the air face down and eerily gyrate on the spot.

You can read the full review here. Discuss it on our forums.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016