Codemasters to Localize New LotRO Expansion

by on Jun 24, 2008

<strong>It's not like we didn't expect this, but hey!</strong>

It's not like we didn't expect this, but hey!

Codemasters Online, the European localizer for Lord of the Rings Online has just let the ink dry on the deal to localize it's upcoming expansion, the Mines of Moria.

Codemasters Online, the European distributor and operator of The Lord of the Rings Online™ and Partnertrans, one of the leading interactive entertainment localization agencies, are pleased to announce that they have renewed their partnership for the forthcoming localization of The Lord of the Rings Online™: Mines of Moria™, the recently announced expansion pack for the internationally recognized and highly successful MMORPG.

"In today's challenging market, reliability and professionalism in localization are paramount. Partnertrans consistently deliver on both counts," commented Jim Brown, Director CO Studio. "The localization of The Lord of the Rings Online has received rave reviews in both France and Germany and has further strengthened the already tremendous success of the title worldwide."

For more information, please check here.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016