Comic: Geeked - "Call It Karma"

by on Mar 17, 2009

Ten Ton Hammer's very own satirical webcomic on all things geek-related is back with a peek into the wonder that is Heaven for gamers. If you've never really thought about what will happen to you...

Ten Ton Hammer's very own satirical webcomic on all things geek-related is back with a peek into the wonder that is Heaven for gamers. If you've never really thought about what will happen to you when you kick the bucket from an aneurysm in the middle of a raid in your favorite MMOG, it's time to start planning:

Geeked - "Call It Karma"

Be sure to catch up on any issues of Geeked you've missed by visiting our Comics Portal. Don't forget to rate your favorites while you're at it!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016