Common Sense and the Best Game for Combat

by on May 01, 2008

<p>When asked recently which MMOG out there has the best combat system, the Common Sense Gamer had to stop and think.

When asked recently which MMOG out there has the best combat system, the Common Sense Gamer had to stop and think. While defining what makes a combat system the best of all others is difficult, he had this to say about Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa.

Probably the most engaging combat system so far has been Tabula Rasa…but that’s not just due to the combat system as much as the environment that the designers have set up. I don’t think the combat would be nearly as interesting if they didn’t have gameplay features like drop ships, Base fights and the inherent story line.

Common Sense Gamer

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016