Community Summit at Fan Faire!

by on Apr 11, 2006

RadarX heads to the 2006 SOE Fan Faire to sit among those god-like developers and discuss issues effecting EverQuest 2. What is on their minds, and where is the game heading?

RadarX heads to the 2006 SOE Fan Faire to sit among those god-like developers and discuss issues effecting EverQuest 2. What is on their minds, and where is the game heading? Why was Radar almost late to the first meeting? These and more exciting questions are answered here.

Fan Faire had more events than I can even dare to describe, but the highlight of these (in my book anyways) is the Community Summit where Developers do the unthinkable in most subscribers minds. They sit down, and actually listen to what players have to say. I know, I know. It's a little on the "crazy" side, but I swear it's effective. As I rushed into the room about 2 minutes before it started (I got up late for...*shifty* nothing), I scanned around the room looking for recognizable faces. I saw the usual supsects I knew and loved like Tamat from Ogaming, Aggro Me from...well Aggro Me, Cynabane from EQ2Daily, Niami from EQ2 Traders and so many more. Some of the developers we saw on hand included: Blackguard, Moorgard, Owlchick, Glendral, Arathym, Lotus, Archonix, Lockeye, Silverfrost, and Dymus. There is at least one more developer who works on items, that I know I don't have the name of (/grovel apology) but as you can see, there was a good representation from SOE. This said to me, they were serious about our concerns.

Read the rest of the article here

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016