Counting the Damage - A Review of Fubar and DamageMeters

by on Jun 08, 2008

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Mod Download

Many players love to have as much data in front of their eyes as possible. It’s always important to know things like your current gold, how much experience until you level, and many other things. At the same time most players love to have their U.I. as clean as possible with as much data in as little space as possible. For the longest time Titan Panel allowed this to happen by having a thin bar across the top and/or bottom of the screen that contained “plugins” that allowed you to add things like how much gold you had, where you were, your durability, etc.

However, about a year or so ago there was a major revolution in the “mod market” with the release of Ace2. A highly efficient platform for mods to be launched from, providing tons of background functions that could be shared with other mods of the same time built upon the popular Ace framework. Ace2 mods flooded the realm of U.I. customization with mods that did the same thing as many of their predecessors and better. Fubar is one of these mods. It’s a direct emulation of Titan Panel but, in my opinion, much for feature rich.

Fubar comes out of the box with… much of nothing. There isn’t a whole lot to it and that is one of its greatest selling points and biggest flaws. Many players don’t have the patience to customize their mods nor do they want to search out anything else. At the same time many players want their mods to be like a hamburger with nothing on it. They’ll add their own condiments.

Of course, that doesn’t mean other mods can’t act as the fries to the meal. Many mods like ClearFont, DamageMeters (downloadable here), and even Bartender3 find themselves working with FuBar right out of the box with no effort. These settings are usually adjustable in many different ways of course. You can tell them not to get along and they won’t (the mod will move its settings to either a command type interface or along the minimap instead of inside of FuBar’s slick top or bottom bar.

Enough about addons… the real meat here is just how customizable FuBar is itself. You can move it nearly anywhere, change the background, mess with transparency, and oh so much more. Really, the options available to you give you the ability to manipulate it to be in the perfect position.

So what do I have to say about this mod? Well if you can’t tell about how excited I am about it from just explaining it then I don’t know what to say to you. I’ve been using it for I believe a year and I don’t know what I could do without it. If you’re looking for something to store your various mod options, display XP, show your gold, etc. with a full range of customization than this is the mod for you.

If you want to download it then visit our U.I. database.

U.I. Rating

Customization: 5/5
Visual Style: 4/5
Usefulness: 5/5
Clutter: 5/5
User Friendliness: 4/5

Total: 4.5/5

See the bottom of the article for details on the rating system and a disclaimer.


Download Mod

In this two for one mod review we’re going to take a look at DamageMeters. DamageMeters is a mod that displays group performance. It shows how much damage, DPS, healing, overhealing, etc. members in a group or raid have done along with what skills they’re doing it through. It includes options to synchronize with other members of a group/raid and can show the results to party, raid, say, guild, a chat channel, a tell, etc.

Unlike FuBar there isn’t a plethora of things to brag about it other than it does its job. Its job is to simply tell you the who, what, when, and where the damage comes from and it does its job remarkably well. It plugs into FuBar (clicking the DamageMeters icon on the bar shows and hides the window) and has lots of customization in the way it displays data.

I will say that DamageMeters doesn’t have as much of a “shine” to it as Recap, another popular stats mod. It’s nowhere near as pretty nor does it show the data with tons of graphs, bars, icons, etc. However, it does do its job like it has done for years for WoW players. It’s minimalistic as well allowing it to not take up much screen space and has a rather low memory footprint (for me) with options (such as syncing) defaulted off to keep it from lagging you.

If you’re looking for something to report combat stats and to see how you and others fair in groups than I’d recommend DamageMeters.

U.I. Rating

Customization: 3/5
Visual Style: 4/5
Usefulness: 5/5
Clutter: 5/5
User Friendliness: 3/5

Total: 4/5

See the bottom of the article for details on the rating system and a disclaimer.

Ratings Breakdown

Customization: How easy it is to customize the mod. A low rating isn’t necessarily a bad thing nor would it affect the total score unless it’s lacking. Anything 3 and above is “good”.

Visual Style: How well it looks. The higher the better. The highest scores are usually for mods that are visually appealing, fit into the overall look of the game, and contain polished graphics. Lower scores are for more amateurish mods that stand out when placed into the game.

Usefulness: How useful is it? 1-2 means it’s not useful at all, a 3 means it has its places but you’ll need a good reason for it, 4 means it’s useful but you might need a reason for it, and a 5 means it’s useful for anyone.

Clutter: How much space does it take up? Does it use as much space as it needs and no more or does it takes more space than it should? Does it spam you? The higher the better.

User Friendliness: Can any user use it or does it require a bit of knowledge about the subject to use? Three or higher is good.

Disclaimer: The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of the Ten Ton Hammer network or staff.

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016