Crafting a Mechanic with Mark Jacobs, Part 1

by on Jun 04, 2008

<strong>Getting crafty with one of the masters of the craft...</strong>

Getting crafty with one of the masters of the craft...

There are plenty of standard mechanics one sees in every MMO game. While some, like combat and skill progression, are very obvious others are subtle such as crafting. EA Mythic's General Manager, Mark Jacobs, displays a deep passion for crafting in Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. Boasting the system is deep and unique, he promises it will be unlike anything we've ever seen before. Mark was kind enough to answer all our questions about the crafting system from his keep in Virginia.

Mark Jacobs: If you look at the standard recipe system, there isn't much you can do with it. You get a book or a recipe that tells you this is something that you can do. You put it together with ingredients and you get an item. There is no experimentation; there is no room there for adding things other than new recipes or even changing recipes around. It is still the same thing.

View part 1 of our Warhammer Online crafting interview with Mark Jacobs at the WAR - Ten Ton Hammer community site!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016